Lord Nut Levington Peanuts, Mamma Mia, Tomato, Garlic And Cheese 8 oz

And other natural flavors. The taste resistance hereby declares flavor greatness. He is - the gastronomical activist, leader of the taste resistance, bringer of true flavor to the masses. He is Lord Nut Levington. In almost all aspects of life, Lord Nut Levington has thrown his irreverent style in the face of the establishment. Urban legend has it that Levington hails from Blighty - an unsavory land known for its extreme blandness and lack of flavor. He craved unique tastes of varying intensities and could not be confined to a bland existence. When he could stand it no longer, Levington decided upon a self-imposed exile and set out for the exciting New World in search of flavor. Many experiences and flavor expeditions later, Levington found his mission in life - to lead the Taste Resistance and make a stand against bland. He would bring freedom of flavor to those oppressed by taste conformity. So, to those destined for flavor greatness, or those needing to be liberated from a flavorless existence - join him and continue this revolution. All in flavor, say yes! This message approved by Lord Nut Levington.